Cervical cancer is caused by infection with HPV (human papilloma virus).
HPV cause warts in men and women, including genital warts, called kondiloma akuminata. Only a few of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can occur if there is an infection that does not heal for a long time. In contrast, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system.Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer affects the cervix or cervical area caused by infection with HPV (human papilloma virus) which does not recover in time. If the immune system is reduced, the HPV infection will raged and can cause cervical cancer. Symptoms did not appear at an early stage, which is why cervical cancer that starts from HPV infection are considered as "The Silent Killer".
Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a little blood after sex is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. The virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect the person. Transmission can be through direct contact and because of sex.
When there is a virus in one's hand, and touched the genitals, the virus will move and can infect the cervix or neck of your womb. Other modes of transmission are in the closet in a public restroom that has been contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may use the closet, which contained HPV virus in patients moved into the closet. If you use it without cleaning, the virus could then move to your genital area.
Bad lifestyle can be supporting the increasing number of patients with this cancer. Smoking, lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid can be the cause. If you eat nutritious foods will make the immune system increases, and can expel the HPV virus.
Risk of cervical cancer are women who sexually active from a very early age, frequently changing sexual partners, or who have sex with men who like to change partners. Other factors are using birth control pills for a long time or come from families with a history of cancer.
Often, men who have no symptoms of HPV infection that is spread it to their partner. A man who had sex with a woman who suffered from cervical cancer, will be the carrier of this virus. Furthermore, when a man is having sex with his wife, the virus was able to move his wife and infected.
Before : Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women
Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a little blood after sex is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. The virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect the person. Transmission can be through direct contact and because of sex.
When there is a virus in one's hand, and touched the genitals, the virus will move and can infect the cervix or neck of your womb. Other modes of transmission are in the closet in a public restroom that has been contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may use the closet, which contained HPV virus in patients moved into the closet. If you use it without cleaning, the virus could then move to your genital area.
Bad lifestyle can be supporting the increasing number of patients with this cancer. Smoking, lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid can be the cause. If you eat nutritious foods will make the immune system increases, and can expel the HPV virus.
Risk of cervical cancer are women who sexually active from a very early age, frequently changing sexual partners, or who have sex with men who like to change partners. Other factors are using birth control pills for a long time or come from families with a history of cancer.
Often, men who have no symptoms of HPV infection that is spread it to their partner. A man who had sex with a woman who suffered from cervical cancer, will be the carrier of this virus. Furthermore, when a man is having sex with his wife, the virus was able to move his wife and infected.
Before : Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women