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The initial phases of HPV affects the skin |
Dangers of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Everything You Should Know. Maybe the picture above is not too show how dangerous this virus, but some images below might make us a little disgust and nausea. |
This is what can happen if we underestimate this disease. Above are pictures of HPV that attacks on the outer skin. the next article we will discuss classified HPV Genital Diseases and Cervical Cancer.
The best way to prevent infection with human papilloma virus (also to prevent attacks of all kinds of other viruses) is to maintain the condition of the body to remain healthy and fit with the pattern hidupdehat and balance, prevent stress, avoid pollution, consumption of nutritious and balanced diet, adequate exercise, sufficient break.
HPV infection can be prevented by vaccination injected three times in the arm, it is able to protect us from the four types of HPV cause cancer and "cock's comb", namely types 6, 11, 16, and 18, for four years.
Vaccination should be given to the girls who have never had sexual activity. People who have ever had sexual activity likely to have been infected with HPV. If not infecting virus types 6, 11, 16, and 18, then the vaccination is still no use.
Although it has undergone vaccination, women who are sexually active should conduct regular pap smears regularly. This examination is easy, inexpensive, and effective way to detect the presence of abnormal cells due to HPV, such as pre-cancerous lesions and early-stage cancer. Cervical cancer is found at an early stage is more easily cured.
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Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women
Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
health information, news update, popular news, what you need to know, solutions, celebrities, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, financial
Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women
Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
health information, news update, popular news, what you need to know, solutions, celebrities, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, financial