Ebola virus disease (EVD) that spread in three West African countries have killed more than 1.000 people.
Everything You Should Know. World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend a total ban on the trade and travel to endemic areas, but has set it as a health emergency that has become the world's attention PHEIC(Public Health Emergency of International Concern) by getting all countries to be aware of the spread of the virus that is transmitted through body fluids.
For citizens who because of certain things have to travel to countries at risk of contracting Ebola, WHO recommends they seek a complete and thorough explanation of the Ebola disease and ways to prevent it.
Early supportive care with rehydration, symptomatic treatment improves survival. For now the the rage of blood immunological and rrug therapies are unter development, it because currently no licensed Ebola Vaccines, but two potential candidates are undergoing evaluation.(WHO)
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The Key Facts that Ebola virus disease (EDV) who know as Ebola Haemorrhagic fever, is a severe and fatal illness for humans.
The virus is transmitted from animals to human and spreads to human-to-human transmission. Average of EVD case how ended fatality is rate around 50 %. In past outbreaks the fatality case has varied from 25% to 90%.The first outbreaks occurred in remote villages in central Africa, near tropical rainforests, but now outbreaks in West Africa has involved major urban as well as rural areas. The success key for controlling outbreaks is Community Engagement. To control the outbreaks, case management, survillace and contact tracing will be needed, also a good laboratory service, safe burial and social mobilisation for the supported.Early supportive care with rehydration, symptomatic treatment improves survival. For now the the rage of blood immunological and rrug therapies are unter development, it because currently no licensed Ebola Vaccines, but two potential candidates are undergoing evaluation.(WHO)
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