Food that Function as Natural Blood Cleanser 2

As we all know that blood is used to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the vital organs.

Everything You Should Know. Most vital organs rely on blood in order to function properly, so that the blood is very important for the purposes of our body. Therefore, the blood becomes one of the important elements in the body system.

Blood could potentially poisoned by toxins from tobacco smoke, pollution, food additives, and others. When the blood was contaminated with harmful toxins, it can be a bad effect on our health so that the body will experience disturbances.

But in fact, before it can happen, it actually can be purified blood naturally using natural foods as well. Here are some food that Function as Natural Blood Cleanser in our bodies, namely :


6. Avocados

This fruit contains a nutrient called glutathione, which can eliminate at least 30 dangerous carcinogens. Therefore avocado indirectly also help purify and eliminate toxins from the liver. Avocado fruit also can be a cleansing diet that is rich in nutrients and low in cholesterol, and is able to raise the blood vessels and eliminate toxins that can clog arteries.

7. Apples

The content of pectin, a fiber that binds cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, which is high in apples can cleanse the digestive system and helps eliminate toxins that gather in the blood and body.

8. Grapes

The fiber content in these fruits can bind cholesterol and cleanse the blood. Fiber pectin contained in it also helps the body remove these harmful substances and can bind heavy metal substances.

9. Cranberry

The content of antibiotic and antiviral substances besides owned this fruit can be used to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, but also a powerful cleansing the body from harmful bacteria and viruses. Besides other benefits that can be obtained from the fruit of this is to prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections as well as cleaning.


This fruit contains aspirin which can help reduce the damage to the network, as well as blueberries have healing powers. Blueberries are also able to prevent infection, removing toxic substances and bacteria in the blood and urinary tract.

Those are some foods that are known to be used to clean up toxic substances, viruses, and bacteria from the body, especially in the intestines and blood. It would be nice to not rush to take medicine to solve the problem, before trying a natural treatment first because minimal side effects.

Befor : Food that Function as Natural Blood Cleanser 1

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