What's Wrong With Blueberry?

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Blueberries contain antioxidants called resveratrol, which can prevent cancer and also contain pterostilbene that in addition to weaken the role of cancer cells and even cause cancer cell death.

Everything You Should Know. In addition to cancer , pterostilbene  also can prevent diabetes and obesity , as well as protect the heart, by increasing fat oxidation in Lever so reduces future synthesis of fat in the tissues of the body, of course this will result in the reduction of fat in the body.
Substance  pterostilbene  also help protect beta cells of the pancreas, which controls the cell's functioning insulin levels in the body remains stable, it can be said these cells also prevent  diabetes  type 2 caused by the body's resistance to insulin .

Substance  pterostilbene  also known to prevent hardening of the arteries , thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or  stroke .

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