Foods That Should Be Avoided By People with high blood pressure?

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Foods That Cause Hypertension

makanan yang menyebabkan hipertensi

There are some foods that should be reduced consumption by people with hypertension, among others:

  1. Flour: Foods that contain wheat flour can trigger an increase in the glycemic index, which resulted in the increase of glucose and sugar. It is a chain can trigger a rise in blood pressure.
  2. Vegetable cooking oil: The oil has a fat content of synthesis, thus triggering the rise in blood pressure. Replacing foods fried in cooking oil will help keep blood pressure remained stable, the one switch to olive oil.
  3. Processed meat: a variety of food made ​​from processed meat, generally preserved by using chemical preservatives. The content of sodium and salt are high in many of these foods trigger hypertension.
  4. Frozen food: Type nuggets, or other frozen foods are also high in sodium, so it should be avoided.
  5. Pickles: pickles have a mixture of vinegar, avoid these foods to be more healthy.
  6. Instant noodles: This is a much-loved food, but contain substances that can trigger hypertension sodium try to avoid it in order to stay healthy. Everything You Should Know.
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