What is wrong with karambit?

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karambit tradisional Indonesia


Perhaps no stranger our ears!
Yes this is a weapon in itself new Indonesian popular after being featured in the film The Raid , even if only in passing, but raises curiosity about the origin of these weapons.

Karambit is a small hand-held blade curved shape of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines. The Western world calls this Karambit knife, whereas in Minang called Kurambiak / Karambiak .

Unfortunately, unlike the western world karambit less popular or rarely introduced in Indonesia. Very rarely the martial arts warrior who will teach the technique to play Karambit. Very rarely did the martial arts warrior who demonstrated ability in public.

Understandably Karambit itself is actually included in the category of secret weapons, martial arts teacher who mastered not arbitrary want to lower their knowledge, except for students who really believed. And if he does not get a student who believed this, then Kerambit science was brought dead. "Silat Indonesia"

karambit tradisional minang Indonesia
After being introduced in the western world, karambit been modified in such a way, even US marshal makes Kerambit as one of the tools required to be carried by each of its personnel.
2 Previous image is a traditional Indonesian karambit, which consists of a handle made from animal horn or wood fitted with ring holder and blade curved needle-nose pliers and have sharp blades on its two sides.
In the western world the obvious modification of the level of efficiency, components such as gloves are removed, replaced with blade karambit foldable, where the sharp blade hidden in a small gap on the handle holders, handles the material also varies, from metal, wood or carbon fiber.
In order not to violate the provisions of the law on the use of weapons, karambit also modified to have no sharp angles, which is used both as a media training karambit or for self-defense tool evisien enough.
Below is a picture of modern karambit developed in the western world.
karambit modern

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