What is wrong with Stroke 2?

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Actually today want to write about HEART ATTACK but because the article about STROKE itself is still not complete, I decided to write again about STROKE deeper.

Hemorrhagic Stroke Ischemic Stroke and both are caused by different things but have the same effect, ie damage to the brain.

Ischemic Stroke: The condition in which blood flow keotak stalled due to the blockage of the arteries to the brain caused " embolism "could be a blood clot (thrombus) , but can also be fat ( cholesterol ), amniotic fluid, bone marrow, tumor fragments or air bubbles, which will follow the blood flow which will eventually clog the blood vessels.

Ischemic stroke is distinguished by the cause of clogged arteries:

  • Thrombotic stroke.  A blockage caused thrombus develops in the arteries of the brain that is very narrow.
  • Embolic stroke . Blockage caused by a thrombus, an air bubble or fat fractions (embolism) are formed in other parts of the body such as the heart and the aorta in the chest and neck, which is carried by the flow of blood to the brain. Heart defect called atrial fibrillation can create conditions in which thrombus formed in the heart pumping and circulating to the brain.
Haemorrhagic stroke: The condition in which the blood vessels rupture thereby inhibiting normal blood flow and blood seeps into the region in the brain and damage it.

Two types of hemorrhagic stroke:

  • Intracerebral hemorrhage . Intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain caused by trauma (brain injury) or abnormal blood vessels (aneurysm or angioma). If not caused by one of these conditions, most often caused by  high blood pressure  chronic. Intracerebral hemorrhage accounts for about 10% of all strokes, but it has the highest percentage of causes of death from stroke.
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage.  subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the subarachnoid space, the space between the inner lining (Pia mater) and middle layer (arachnoid mater) of the tissue lining of the brain (meninges). The most common cause is rupture of a bulge (aneurysm) in the arteries. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a serious medical emergency that can lead to permanent disability or death. Stroke is also the only type of stroke is more common in women than in men.

What is wrong with Stroke 3?
What's wrong with Stroke 1?