How to prevent the transmission of Ebola virus

How to Prevent Ebola

Wash Hands

Everything You Should Know.  Washed Your hands with soap, it because Ebola is transmitted through contact with body fluids of patients, despite being careful but there remains the possibility of our hands contaminated.

Avoid Direct Contact

Avoid direct contact with the Ebola virus infected patients and families or relatives who recently visited pasein who contracted the deadly virus.

Funeral Ceremony

Wherever possible to avoid seeing or being near the cemetery ebola patients, especially funeral ceremony requiring direct contact such as kissing him/her.

Avoid Contact With Animals

Avoid contact with animals that may transmit the virus ebola and restrict visiting forest areas in countries affected by.

Restrict Domestic Travel

People who already are in countries affected by the current outbreak of ebola, should restrict domestic travel. Don't traveling between cities in the country, if not really necessary.

Update Information About Ebola

Find out the latest information about the outbreak of ebola, of sites that can be believed as the WHO.

What is Ebola? 

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