What's Wrong With 2 Toxin?

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Sources of Human Disease Mostly Starting From Intestine (Colon) Unfair.

Everything You Should Know. The food that we consume every day will leave the rest on the surface of the intestinal wall, piles of leftovers is what settles and will eventually turn into a toxin (poison) that will be released into the circulatory system.
Toxins in the blood circulation is the one that over time will be a source of disease, when the natural detoxifying system in the body such as the liver and kidneys are not able to neutralize them again.
Diseases such as cancer, tumors, constipation, hemorrhoids, acne, stroke, paralysis, too fat and too skinny, rheumatism, pain in the joints, lupus, glaucoma, ulcers, liver disease and even insomnia, a small sebagin of many diseases that can arise due to toxins from the remnants attached digestion in the intestinal wall.
Consuming organic food for 7 days is really going to help remove toxins from our body, including kolesterorl, damaged and dead cells, plaque in the intestines and blood vessels, and other dirt contamination.
If the body's metabolic system and hormonal system back to normal, it appears from the face and the skin becomes smooth and soft, aka no breakouts.
Good Luck.
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