What's Wrong With the nosebleed 1?

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Nosebleed (exit Blood On Nose)

Nosebleeds or in medicine called epistaxis, is a state in the nose bleeding out through the nostrils.

Nosebleeds can be classified into two:

  1. Type anterior (front). Most often occurs.
  2. Type posterior (rear).
In some cases, blood can be derived from the sinuses and eyes. besides bleeding can occur into the digestive tract resulting nausea and vomiting.

Of the cause,  nosebleeds  can be divided into two:

  1. Local .:  Due to the impact on the nose due to an accident or sports activities that accompanied the fracture, pick your nose hard, causing injury to the nasal mucosa, tumors in the nose, or the entry of foreign objects into the nose that is often experienced by children for example conceded leech and others, infection or inflammation of the nose and sinuses (rhinitis and sinusitis).
  2. Systemic:  Because the disease is not confined to the nose alone, for example due to hypertension, dengue fever, yellow fever, and blood disorders such as leukemia hemofillia. Everything You Should Know.
Next:  What's Wrong With Nosebleed 2?
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