What is wrong with Stroke1?

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penyebab stroke
credit : http://obattuntukstroke.blogspot.com

Perhaps you have heard the disease called STROKE.

Although often heard but most of us do not understand what it STROKE.

Stroke is a neurological disease that most often lead to disability and death. Besides the main ranks among the class of neurological diseases that result in death, STROKE is also one of the three leading causes of death in general.

Most of us do not understand how it was handling someone suffering or suspected of developing stroke, even usually panic and instead do something that actually worsen the condition of the person who attacked STROKE .

The first four hours after being attacked STROKE known as 'The Golden Time', because this time will determine how much impact STROKE. ( http://sh.st/iAeK3 )

As is known, the person who gets an attack STROKE, whole blood in the body will flow very fast to the blood vessels in the brain. If the aid is given too late activity only slightly, the blood vessels in the brain will not be able to resist the flow of blood flowing profusely and will soon be broken little by little.

First Aid Stroke by removing blood at each end of the finger and the tip of the leaf telinga.Ada one of the best ways to provide first aid to those who had an attack STROKE . This way other than to save the life of the patient, also does not cause any side effects. The first aid is aid EMERGENCY guaranteed to work 100%.

In the face of this situation the family not to panic, but to be quiet. First of all of course, immediately contact an ambulance in order to get immediate medical assistance, sipenderita should remain its original place where he fell (eg in the bathroom, bedroom, or anywhere else). DO NOT MOVED !!! because by moving the patient from the same place will accelerate the disintegration of small blood vessels in the brain, but at that time there are people who have a medical background and understand how to move the patient.

Patients should be helped take a good sitting position so as not to fall again, and at that time bleeding can be done. For the best use of a syringe, but if none, then NEEDLE SEWING / pin can be used to advance first sterilized by burning over the fire.

As soon as the needle is sterile, do the stabbing on 10 fingertip. Pricking point approximately 1mm from the tip of the nail. Each finger is quite stabbed one time only in the hope of every finger pull out one drop of blood.

Bleeding can also be assisted by way of push when blood was not out of his fingertips. In a period of approximately 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness soon.
If the patient's mouth looks crooked / not normal, then BOTH EARS sipenderita MUST BE DRAWN LEAF-PULL until reddish color.
After that do 2 TIMES stabbing at each END earlobes so much as two drops of blood out of each end of the earlobe. Thus in a few minutes form the mouth of the patient will return to normal.

After the patient recovered and no significant abnormalities, then take the patient carefully to the doctor or the nearest hospital to get further help. source http://www.yastroki.or.id

From some of the literature that the author read, of course, this method depends on the type of stroke which affected patients, diaknosis done by monitoring the symptoms before the stroke.

More lanjud will be discussed in the next article.  What's wrong with Stroke2?

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