What is wrong with Earthworm 2?

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earth worm

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The content contained in the earthworm 
Glutamic acid  
As for the other ingredients contained in the earthworm, among others:
  1. Enzymes Lumbrokinase which serves to normalize blood pressure.
  2. The enzyme peroxidase and catalase effective for degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol and dermatix.
  3. Cellulase enzymes and Ligase for indigestion and ulcer.
  4. Arachidonic acid as the lowering of the body temperature.

Earthworms are animals that have lived with the help of their defense system since the early phase of evolution, therefore they are always able to face the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms in their environment. The research that has been going on for about 50 years showed that earthworms have humoral and cellular immune mechanisms. In addition it has been found that the earthworm coelomic fluid containing more than 40 proteins and exhibit several biological activities as follows: cytolytic, proteolytic, antimicrobial, hemolytic, hemagglutinating, tumorolytic, and mitogenic activities.
Coelomic fluid of Eisenia foetida Andrei has studied has an anti-microbial activity against Aeromonas hydrophila , and Bacillus megaterium are known as pathogens tanah.Setelah worm was obtained two proteins, named Fetidins, of earthworm coelomic fluid and confirms that the antibacterial activity is due fetidins. Lumbricus rubellus also has two anti-bacterial agent named Lumbricin 1 and Lumbricin 2. More recently, two types of factors that have antibacterial activity of lysozyme with hemolytic activity as well as pattern recognition protein called coelomic cytolytic factor (CCF) has been identified in the worm Eisenia foetida ground. Lysenin different proteins and Eisenia foetidalysenin like proteins have several activities provided cytolyti chemolitik, anti-bacterial and membrane permeabilizing properties.

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